&hint1=I am a full-length portrait& &hint2=I was painted in the 16th century by Titian& &hint3=I am notable for my handling of colorito& &hint4=My subject is in the guise of a Roman emperor commanding his troops& &choices=Heroes Being Given Refuge By Senowbar Banu and Omar;Charles V on Horseback at the Battle of Muhlberg;Pietro Arentino;Danae;Malagan tableau;Tatanua Mask& &answer=Charles V on Horseback at the Battle of Muhlberg& &search=Charles Horseback Titian& &title=Charles V on Horseback at the Battle of Muhlberg& &artist=Titian& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1548& &location=Museo del Prado, Madrid& &dimensions=10'10 5/8" x 9'1 7/8"&